Put your training

Put your
learning on

on autopilot


Transform how training is delivered, making it more relevant, personalized, and timely than ever before.

Introducing Arist Automations


Arist Automations

The easiest way to automatically push training to anyone in your organization around key moments of need, triggered from any data source.

Trigger training based on promotions, sales call insights, new hires, and more by tying into all of your existing systems

Right learning — Instantly create the right learning content using AI

Right place —  Deliver learning on already-used communication tools.

Right time — Automate learning to go out based on set criteria.

Streamline + integrate

We already know the most critical moments of need for each role. Using Arist Auto, you can trigger highly contextual training based on moments of need for each role. It's as simple as:

  1. Choose the system of record, or data source

  2. Determine the trigger for sending the learning

  3. Select the learning you want to send to this audience

  • Boost engagement using HCM data

    Share employee data with Arist to trigger relevant learning based on key attributes.

    Improve outcomes from LMS data

    Extend the value of training by pushing reinforcement training or comms based on LMS or LXP course completion.

    Perfect onboarding with hiring data

    Boost pipeline conversion by enrolling hiring managers in training when kicking off a new search.

    Increase win rate from CRM data

    Automatically enroll sales reps in training based on deal flow or success metric indicators, as marked in the CRM.

Build skills and shift behavior at scale, one message at a time.

(617) 468-7900


2261 Market Street #4320
San Francisco, CA 94114

Subscribe to Arist Bites:

Built and designed by Arist team members across the United States.

Copyright 2024, All Rights Reserved.

Build skills and shift behavior at scale, one message at a time.

(617) 468-7900


2261 Market Street #4320
San Francisco, CA 94114

Subscribe to Arist Bites:

Built and designed by Arist team members across the United States.

Copyright 2024, All Rights Reserved.

Build skills and shift behavior at scale, one message at a time.

(617) 468-7900


2261 Market Street #4320
San Francisco, CA 94114

Subscribe to Arist Bites:

Built and designed by Arist team members across the United States.

Copyright 2024, All Rights Reserved.