The Arist Field Guide

The Arist Field Guide

Today, training Field teams is far too difficult for three core reasons:

1. Getting adoption takes forever

2. Building training takes forever

3. There’s no reinforcement, and tracking behavior change is impossible

We’re saying enough is enough. Training can be fast to build, fast to launch, instantly adopted, loved, affordable, self-reinforcing, and show clear action and behavior change — all we have to do is meet people where they are.

Based on over half a decade of research, our Field Guide walks through the largest challenges facing Field teams and how to solve them at scale.


Based on research from:

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The world's leading teams use Arist's platform and AI to train faster and drive real performance impact. See why first-hand.

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2261 Market Street #4320. San Francisco, CA 94114

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The world's leading teams use Arist's platform and AI to train faster and drive real performance impact. See why first-hand.

© All rights reserved.

2261 Market Street #4320. San

Francisco, CA 94114

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The world's leading teams use Arist's platform and AI to train faster and drive real performance impact. See why first-hand.

© All rights reserved.

2261 Market Street #4320. San Francisco, CA 94114